Imagine you are in the tutoring business-(one of the hottest Small Business Opportunity’s in Kenya Today) and you turn your ‘know-how’ savvy into guidebooks to help your students and other wannabe tutors. Now imagine selling 100 copies of your ‘guidebook’ for Sh200.
“Wow, Sh20,000 in extra sales! This is great!” you say!
However, when you take out marketing costs, overhead, and printing…you soon realize… You’re not left with a whole lot are you?
Now imagine selling the same 100 ‘guidebooks’ at Sh200 and you wake up seven days later, and actually make 10 extra sales of your Sh5,000 advanced home study course from those same 100 guidebook customers.
Now you’ve got Sh50,000 + Sh20,000 = Sh70,000 in extra sales!
That extra “back-end-sale” makes all the difference, right?
So why then are so many small business owners selling only their services night & day, but neglecting the REAL money?
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s insane.
Seriously. Having you own business is great, and the concept of “back-end-sales” is the most important part of the whole process.
This concept works for any business even yours, try it today and you will have successfully created an extra stream of income. This can make a big difference between struggling and living the dream life.
We will talk more about this great concept, (back-end-sales) in our next KSB Newsletter.